
Skin Flakes & Dust Mites

2016-10-20T14:05:14-05:00October 20th, 2016|

Most people assume that allergies are only an outdoor problem.  I often have conversations with customers who firmly believe the reason they are suffering with allergies in their home is only caused by outdoor particles that have made their way into their home.  While this may be very true in the spring and fall seasons, [...]

What To Do When You Spill The Juice!

2016-09-26T15:15:35-05:00September 26th, 2016|

Spilled grape juice on carpet A great fear for spills on our precious carpet is grape juice!  If you’re like me you try to blot with water mixed with whatever cleaner you have.   After our best attempts are made we still see a relatively light stain left behind.   It’s because juice has a dye that [...]

Why I Suggest Buying Berber Carpet

2016-09-10T13:09:40-05:00September 10th, 2016|

If you buy carpet, what do I recommend? Just about every day I’m out cleaning carpets.  I look around in different people’s home I notice certain carpets lasting longer than others.   What I look for is fibers that are stain resistant as well as tolerant to traffic ware.  These are the two biggest concerns whenever [...]

8  Reasons Why You Need Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned

2016-08-25T15:45:10-05:00August 25th, 2016|

Listed below are some good reasons why you should have your carpets professionally cleaned. If you like me you love your children but we hate the dirtiness they can create. It seems that most of the time they don’t even seem to notice the mud they track in or even the food and drinks they [...]

Nail Polish Removal Skills!

2016-08-13T14:34:40-05:00August 13th, 2016|

  Fortunately I have never spilled nail polish in my entire life!  Probably because I’m a guy.  But I have cleaned many of carpets showing an incident of nail polish spillage.  Most of the time the customer believes it’s impossible to remove the stubborn stain.  However I have listed below some miracle   working powers that [...]

Paint Removal For Your Carpet

2016-07-30T16:18:48-05:00July 30th, 2016|

How to remove a Paint Stain on Carpet Many times when cleaning carpets in customers home I usually notice paint stains dripped on the carpet from a previous painting experience.   My guess is like most people they probably noticed the drip and gave up before even attempting to remove it.   The good news is there [...]

How to Create More Room in Your Home!

2016-05-27T14:31:56-05:00May 27th, 2016|

This may sound familiar: You’re running late for work and know in your head the best outfit you going to wear. Unfortunately with a over stuffed closet and crammed dresser your finding that your shirt is like looking for a lost person at a Dave Matthews concert (and if you’re asking who that is, our [...]

4 Things Before Moving Into Your New Home!

2016-04-30T10:54:04-05:00April 30th, 2016|

So now you’re so existed you’ve finally got the keys in your hand, the address freshly memorized, and now it’s almost time to move into your new home. This is an exhilarating time! However, it can get chaotic without a plan of proper action—which is why Quality Care Carpet Cleaning is providing you with a [...]

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