Listed below are some good reasons why you should have your carpets professionally cleaned.

  1. If you like me you love your children but we hate the dirtiness they can create. It seems that most of the time they don’t even seem to notice the mud they track in or even the food and drinks they spill all over our fluffy pretty carpets.  Because they are so busy and fast pace they tend to create a lot of foot traffic that leads to high traffic build up leading to the number one cause for carpet ware.   Most defiantly, having children often times requires professional carpet cleaning every 6 months to a year!


  1. Pets are a lot like our children, they tend to make messes all over our carpets. They drool, track in dirt, mud and when they are mad at you for that vacation you choose to take they willfully choose not to make their way outside for all those unwanted accidents that end up on your carpet.



  1. Stubborn stains that seem to not come out. You have scrubbed, spotted with cleaners and pulled out all your hair in the process and are only left with a head ache, loss of hear and stubborn stain.  In this case call your beautiful local professional carpet cleaner to handle those difficult situations.  Even if they can’t clean them out with the regular clean there are special technics that can remove stains such as, wine, glue, candlewax, pen ink, paint, baby food, tomato sauce, rust, furniture stains, grease, poo and so on…   So if you can’t get them out more than likely your local professional carpet cleaner can! Just simply pick up your phone and Google your best local carpet cleaner.  Remember to support local business!   Bee’s Knees!


  1. If you are hosting a big event the there is nothing like having your carpets professionally cleaned right before that big gathering of jolly good fellows. It makes you feel good and proud to know people not going to notice all the spots and messes all over your carpet.  Plus it has a new fresh look about it and a sweet smell that seems invigorating!


  1. If you have not had your carpets cleaned in one year or longer. The carpet mills recommend that you have your carpets professionally cleaned at a minimum of one year.  Every six months if you have children and pets.  Even if you don’t notice unwanted messes or dirt.  There is unseen dirt and natural oils caused by outside foot traffic, bare feet or pets that can only be removed by professional cleaning.  Dirt is very damaging to carpet because of its sharp edges.  This is why carpet mills become most concerned about with their warranties.  High traffic ware is the result of not having your carpets maintained and can void your warranty.   Remember it’s the same as not changing the oil in your car.


  1. You want your carpets to look new again or maintain their new like appearance. This is an obvious reason to get your carpets cleaned.


  1. You want to have your carpets to be easier to maintain.


  1. If you have allergies then this is a great reason to have your carpets professionally cleaned. As we live in our homes we shed skin constantly and dust mites make their way to them.  Your skin flake is a living feasting table for them.  It is where they make their homes and take their dumps.  They live and feast day and night on one piece of dead skin. Yummy!   Multiple ones gather on one piece of dead skin releasing excrement that contain nine proteins.  One of the nine proteins is proven to be harmful to the human body.


Carpet absorbs a massive amount of dust and is the best air filter in the house.  Just like any air filter that needs changing so carpet needs to be cleaned to help with the indoor air environment.   The EPA has listed indoor air as one of the top five health risks in America.  It recycles constantly through our HVAC systems and is projected everywhere in our homes.   That’s another reason to have your carpets professionally cleaned removes these unwanted partials.


If you need professional carpet cleaning in the DFW area then you can call Quality Care Carpet Cleaning!  We can clean like we are mean!   Call us at 940-206-2372.  Cats Pajamas!