I love coffee! I don’t know about you but I am one of those heavy coffee drinkers. If you brew a whole pot I will make sure there is none left. I probably don’t have the best habit because it is known to speed up the heart rate, however they say “one cup of coffee a day keeps cancer away.” I guess not all bad habits are all that bad, right?


If you like me with at amount of coffee consumption there is bound to be a spill at some point. Especially if you have little ones running around who tend to bump into things like coffee tables etc.… that knock over whatever is setting on top. I know from experience because my little one has done this more than once!


If this happens to your beautiful carpet, you should right away…

  1. First step to every spill is blotting. Tackle the coffee right away!   Don’t let it settle into the fibers and your padding. If it settles longer then it’s more likely to leave a permanent stain. Blot till the towel is super soaked, then grab another and another and another and another…. Because if it’s a cup you need to attempt to get all the coffee that just went into your carpet padding!   If you don’t soak up as much as you can then the spot will simply reappear when drying. Something to note is carpet drys upward and whatever is in your padding will show up during the drying process. When blotting remember do not rub your beautiful carpet.   This will only spread, deepen the stain and worsen.


  1. As soon as you have thoroughly blotted the coffee. Next create a solution by mixing together 2/3 cup of very mucho hot water with white distilled vinegar.   Another option is mixing with just 1 beautiful teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap.   If the coffee contained cream then you have to use an enzyme laundry soap mix with either the white vinegar or dishwashing soap.   Use a towel dabbed in the product or use a spay bottle to apply the product lightly to the spotted area. Then use a clean dry rag and dab it up.   Then rinse well with some clean water.  Make sure to get all the solution out of your carpet or else it can cause dirt to stick and you will have a dirty spot after a while. Remember, “wax on, wax off.”


  1. If you still notice the spot then I recommend trying to call a professional carpet cleaner. If you’re located in the Dallas Fort Worth area then I highly recommend myself! Because I’m the best and the rest have no skills to pay the bills! You can call me directly at 940-206-2372 or email us at [email protected].   I was just joking about “no skills to pay the bills” I’m sure there are other carpet cleaners as good as me, just not at good looking!   Lol!