Removing stains from your carpet properly is both an art and a science.
The first thing about stain removal is you must understand the four factors in removing a stain. The factors are time, temperature, chemical and mechanical action. The proper amount of time, meaning fast response, with the right chemicals at the right temperature (usually hot) with the correct mechanical action combined to produce the best cleaning results.
One thing to remember whenever a spill or stain accrues is not to rub or agitate your carpet. This will always worsen the situation. Blotting is always key to proper removal.
Removing Kool-Aid Stains:
Kool-aid is known be one of the most difficult carpet stains to treat because of the dye that enters the die sites of the carpet fibers. But with the proper treatments it is possible to remove Kool-aid out of carpet.
When the spill happens, always blot the stain with a dry towel. Remember to not rub the stain or smear it in further. This will only make it worse and more permanent.
Try a mixture of white vinegar, Dawn dish soap, and hot water in a misting spray bottle. Use 1/4 cup of white distilled vinegar, 1 1/2 tbsp of Dawn dish soap, and fill with hot water. Spray area heavily and let dwell for about 6-12 minutes and then proceed with carefully blotting with a clean, dry towel until stain is completely removed.
Removing Pet Stains:
Here are some helpful tips for removing most pet stains from your carpet:
- First right away clean up the initial mess. If the mess is poo then pick it up with your hands (wearing gloves) and dispose of it. If wet then simply use the blot method to soak up the moisture without smearing or scrubbing.
- Then create a solution of 1/2 mixture of white distilled vinegar and ½ mixture of hot water. Spray this solution liberally onto the spot or pour into carpet all the way into the padding. Allow it to soak for several minutes while the vinegar works on the spot and then proceed with the blot technique until stain is gone and spot is almost completely dry.
When the area you have treated has almost dried, sprinkle a good handful of baking soda over the soiled area then mix up half a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide combined with a teaspoon of mild liquid detergent. Make sure to put on a pair of rubber gloves and then slowly pour the hydrogen peroxide and detergent mixture over the baking powder. Make sure to work it deeply into the carpet.
Removing Coffee Stains:
- Dry the spot as well as possible with a dry cloth by blotting. Remember that the spill has more than likely made its way into the padding of your carpet.
- Try the mixture of white distilled vinegar, hot water, and Dawn detergent first with the spritzer method, rinse, and repeat. Try to rinse all the way to the pad. Use a dry towel and fold it. Place a book or heavy object on it and allow drying into the towel for a day.