Spilled Grape Juice…Is My Carpet Ruined? Maybe not…

Spilled grape juice is one of our greatest fears when it comes to our carpets. We often try to blot with water mixed with whatever cleaner we have. After our best attempts are made we still see a relatively light stain. It’s because juice has a dye that absorbs into and around to the fibers creating a stain. I have listed some pointers below that should help to completely resolve this issue.

1. Mix one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent with two cups of warm water.

2. Using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the detergent solution.

3. Blot until the liquid is absorbed.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the stain disappears or is no longer absorbed into the cloth.

5. If the stain remains, mix one tablespoon of ammonia (Caution: Never mix chlorine bleach and ammonia – the resulting fumes are hazardous) with two cups of warm water.

6. Sponge the stain with the ammonia solution.

7. Blot until the liquid is absorbed.

8. Sponge with cold water and blot dry.