Step-by-Step Guide for Removing Nail Polish Spilled on Your Carpet


1. REMOVE RIGHT AWAY! The longer it sits the less likely you will be able to remove it entirely.

2. BLOT. Remember not to rub. It only rubs the nail polish deeper into the fiber. Work from the outside in preventing it from spreading further.

3. DO A TEST CLEAN. Whatever product you use be sure to find a inconspicuous area for testing.

5. REMOVE THE STAIN. Use a non-acetone nail polish remover on light carpet. Just know that this can damage your carpet. If your carpet is dark try hair spay or rubbing alcohol. Pour product on rag and don’t apply directly on the carpet. Blot the stain. If these don’t work try another option, Windex.

6. RINSE WELL. Saturate well and make sure the odor of nail polish is completely removed. Try adding dish soap to the rinse.

If none of these things work out call a professional carpet cleaner.