tile and grout cleaning

It’s Saturday evening, and you’ve got some friends coming over. You’ve got the food, the wine, you let the dog out, and you’re thinking it’s all smooth sailing from there. Then forty-five minutes before everyone is supposed to arrive, you walk into the kitchen to set the wine out to breathe, and you gasp in horror at your floor! Just then, you remember that you were supposed to call to schedule a tile and grout cleaning for the kitchen; yikes! What do you do?

Don’t panic. We’ve got three quick and easy steps to get that grout sparkling.

1. A Sweeping Start

The first step is simple; you want to remove any surface dirt and debris from the target area with a few quick passes using your vacuum or broom.

Your Tile and Grout Cleaning Arsenal

Of course, you don’t have professional-grade tile and grout cleaning products in your closet. But chances are you do have most, if not all, of these regular household items:

  • Dish Soap
  • Hot Water
  • Mop or large textured rag
  • Scrub brush
  • Bucket

Fill your bucket halfway with hot water, then add about a teaspoon or two of dish soap.

2. Mopping Up

Dip your mop or textured rag into your freshly made cleaning solution and wring it out just enough so that it’s not dripping, and then follow the path your broom or vacuum made. A little pressure goes a long way for mopping, so if you come across any stand-out stains, lean into it.

If your tiles still seem a little dingy after a single pass, rinse the mop or textured rag, wring it out, then repeat this step. If that doesn’t take care of it, it’s time for step 3.

3. A Little Elbow Grease, Please!

If you regularly (monthly or quarterly) have a professional tile and grout cleaning performed in your home, you might be able to get away with just steps 1 and 2. But if it’s been a while, and even after step 2, your grout is making everything else look dingy, sometimes the best tile and grout cleaner for your situation is a little thing called Elbow Grease.

Step 2 has likely already loosened the grout grime, but if it’s still an eyesore you can’t ignore, take your scrub brush, dip it in your cleaning solution, and gently scrub to get that dirt out of there.

Grout is typically a mixture of sand and cement, so it kind of starts out dirty and doesn’t need much help staying that way.

More modern grout options include latex or polymers to give the grout some dirt and stain resistance, so if you have a newer floor, you’re already ahead!

The Finale

Now all that’s left in your tile and grout cleaning mission is a quick pass with a towel to pick up the loosened dirt and the rest of the water, and you should be back on track for an amazing night with friends!

Next Time, Let Us Help!

Quality Care is a family-owned and operated business that treats our customers and their homes like they’re part of the family. So next time you need tile and grout cleaning, kitchen cleaning – or any room in your home cleaned! – call or text us at (940) 206-2372 or click here to send us a message for a free no-obligation estimate.