When it comes to glue it’s always easiest to clean it before it dries. Remember to act as fast as possible!
#1 – DAB. Using a wet disposable paper towel start dabbing the wet glue and remove as much as possible. You may need to use several paper towels during this process. Make sure your applying pressure to remove the glue deep within the fiber. If water seems to be ineffective, then try using white vinegar by agitating and blotting the spot.
#2- HOT IRON. If you find the previous method is not working then try this. Grab a brown paper bag or a wet rag and an iron. Place the bag or rag on the spot and plug the iron in the outlet. Adjust the setting to medium on the iron. Wait one minute then press the iron on the bag or rag and let it sit for a few minutes. When the glue liquefies you should notice it transferring to the bag or rag. You may have to repeat this process several times before getting all the glue out.
#3 – KNIFE. Another method is to remove by scraping the serface with a knife.
#4 – SCISSORS. At last resort try using scissors to cut off the carpet fibers covered in glue. This could remove some of the carpet fibers and create a noticeable patch.